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Colorado Springs mom denies killing 2 children in London extradition hearing

A Colorado Springs mother attended an extradition hearing in the United Kingdom after the deaths of her two children, according to BBC reporting. Prosecutors say Kimberlee Singler shot and stabbed two of her children before attacking the third with a knife on Dec. 18, 2023. 
Investigators in Colorado Springs said she then took off and ended up in London where she was arrested 11 days later on Dec. 30, 2023. Through her defense attorney in court on Wednesday, Singler, 36, denied the attacks on her children. 
The eldest child, 11, survived being stabbed in the neck after undergoing emergency surgery. The other two children, daughter Elianna, 9, and son Aden, 7, were found dead in their bedroom. In the UK court, testimony was introduced that the eldest child “begged” her mother not to kill her. 
Singler is wanted by Colorado authorities on several charges including two counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder, three counts of felony child abuse, and one count of assault. 
According to the children’s father, he and his ex-wife Singler had been in a contentious divorce and custody dispute since December 2018. In the days leading up to the murders, a Larimer County Court ruled that the children would have additional time with their father and that the exchanges of the children would happen at police stations in Colorado Springs and Greeley.
During a scheduled exchange on Dec. 16, 2023, Singler never showed up with the children and attempts to contact her were unsuccessful. Investigators claim that just two days later, on Dec. 18, Singler allegedly killed her youngest daughter and son and that she not contact police until the early morning hours of Dec. 19.
Colorado Springs police confirm they were called to a burglary investigation on Dec. 19 and found the two children dead along with the eldest daughter who was suffering from serious lacerations. According to court records, officers found a blood-stained knife in the living room and live rounds and spent cartridges in a closet along with a blood-stained handgun on the floor of the bedroom. 
Court documents state that investigators found no signs of a break-in at the residence. 
BBC reporting states that the final decision on whether Singler will be extradited to the U.S. will be made by the UK home secretary. 
